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First aid for Burned Bush

The Australian Association of Bush Regenerators (AABR) has developed a number of online information resources to help land managers affected by fire, to assist them in the recovery of their fire-affected areas.

The first of these resources is a Video “Assisting regeneration post fire”. This video is posted on youtube, but can also be found here. The video was produced with the assistance of the Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife.

AABR have also added a map to their website ( pinpointing sites affected by the devastating fires from 2019/2020, in an effort to encourage experienced bush regenerators to volunteer their time and help these sites in the fight against weed infestation post fire.

Do you have bush regeneration experience and would like to help in the recovery after our recent wildfires? Please visit AABRs Site Locator Map. This map can have links added to it, so if you are a landholder affected by fire, you can add your site to request volunteer help in your recovery efforts. Volunteers can register here.

There are a number of other articles available on AABRs website relevant on the subject of fire affected bushland, including ‘Pulling out weeds is the best thing you can do to help your bushland recover from wildfire‘. Another article includes ‘Giving your bushland a chance to recover after bushfires‘.

AABR is doing a tremendous job trying to coordinate volunteer help in the weed control of burnt areas across south eastern Australia. Please consider donating your time or money to help them in their efforts. For donations, please contact: email or chat to Suzanne 0407 002 921.

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