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On Friday 15th of September, the Creating Canopies team was joined by a corporate volunteering group from ING Australia.

ING brought a large group of 39 volunteers out to plant 1,000 trees and shrubs on the edge of Cessna Reserve in Middleton Grange, in the Liverpool LGA.

Cessna Reserve is about 45 min west of Sydney’s CBD and contains an area of remnant Cumberland Plain Woodland, which has been reduced to less than 10 per cent of its original distribution.

It was a hot day, but the team did well to get all the trees in the ground and give them a nice soaking too.

Some of the species planted were eucalyptus trees that can grow to between 20 to 65 m tall. Over time these trees will grow to provide habitat for wildlife and excellent cooling shade to help mitigate urban heat.  

Tom Covell, from Hooked on Nature, also came along for the day to teach the ING group about the importance of the ‘H’ word—HABITAT!

Tom showed the group his famous huntsman, and a blue yabby too! One of the ING group named “meeting Shirley the Huntsman Spider” as their favourite part of the day. Then they went exploring the nearby long grass with nets to discover all sorts of life living in there.

Tom’s interactive nature safari approach reminds us that nature is all around us, and that we don’t have to go far to have a close encounter with the incredible creatures we share our world with. If we take a moment, we can uncover many hidden gems in our green spaces teaming with life.

Of the ING employees that gave feedback on the day, 100% rated the day as good or excellent. When asked what they thought of the event, the ING corporate volunteers said:

  • [It was a] “good opportunity to give back to the community and ensure that we look after the next generation.”
  • “The event was very well organised” and they felt the “steps, purpose and importance” of planting were all well explained by the Creating Canopies staff.
  • “Fun and engaging. Great way to raise awareness as well.”

When asked what they learned about the natural environment, an ING employee said “a lot. Not just about planting, also about the natural habitat.”

Thank you to ING Australia for partnering with Greater Sydney Landcare, and thank you to the corporate volunteers for their excellent efforts to give back to local communities and take care of nature!

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