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Our Pillars

The five pillars of Greater Sydney Landcare - flora, fauna, water, soil, and restoration - represent the interconnectedness of the natural environment. These elements work together to create and sustain healthy ecosystems.

Each pillar has a crucial role to play in maintaining the balance of nature and ensuring the sustainability of our environment.


Sydney’s plant life is incredibly important to the health and wellbeing of all who live in the region.

Flora is essential for supporting life on Earth and maintaining the health and functioning of ecosystems.


Looking after the animals in Greater Sydney contributes to the overall biodiversity of the region and health of our ecosystems.


As Sydney continues to feel the impacts of urban heat, urban sprawl and climate change, our access to clean water has never been more important. A healthy ecosystem provides clean water.


Soil is the foundation of our food systems, supporting the growth of crops and other vegetation, and is essential to maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem health.


Restoring our bushland and native habitat benefits not just the flora and fauna but also our communities. By greening our suburbs we improve our air, soil and water quality as well as reducing the impacts of urban heat and climate change.

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