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On Friday 11th October 2024, Greater Sydney Landcare held a Creating Canopies planting at Eastlake Golf Club. 22 enthusiastic volunteers from ABN AMRO Clearing swapped their desks and laptops for a beautiful day outdoors, keen to take part in a meaningful corporate volunteering day.

The task on this warm and sunny day was planting 1,400 native trees and shrubs by the club’s 18th hole. This work is part of Creating Canopies, a project to increase canopy cover across Greater Sydney to reduce urban heat in the future.

Corporate Volunteering For Sydney’s Environment

The Creating Canopies and Eastlake Golf Club teams had collaborated in advance to prepare the site, so it was mulched with the holes dug when the volunteers arrived. Logs had also been installed throughout the site to provide a more natural habitat as it gets established.

The ABN AMRO Clearing group got to work planting gum trees (eucalypts and angophoras), turpentine (syncarpia glomulifera), wattles (acacias), tea-trees (leptospermums), paperbarks (melaleucas), Hakeas, Hop Bush, Hairpin Banksia, Rice Flower, Tick Bush and many others suited to this area.

Some of the species planted also belong to the Eastern Suburbs Bankia Scrubβ€”a Critically Endangered ecological community. As well as creating shade and evaporative cooling, these plants will create a multi-layered habitat with shelter and food for local wildlife.

The volunteers also staked the edges of the planting for protection from dogs, walkers, golfers and mowers. As the volunteers worked, dog walkers and golfers passing by expressed their interest in and appreciation for the planting. It was clear that the community was pleased to see this work taking place.

The 18th hole proved a great spot for planting in more ways than oneβ€”as it was close to the clubhouse, which kindly gave the volunteers free coffee in thanks for their efforts. This was greatly appreciated by the group, as was the delicious catered lunch of sandwiches which helped them refuel in between their outdoor activities.

Thank You ABN AMRO Clearing

Creating Canopies Project Manager Danielle Packer and Bush Regenerator Supervisor Aimee Hancock led the day. They expressed their appreciation for the ABN AMRO team’s efforts, noting the positive impact their work will have on the local environment.

The day was a great opportunity for the ABN AMRO Clearing staff to come together, connect and catch up. A great sense of camaraderie was enjoyed as the group worked as a team to make a lasting contribution to the environment.

The event marked the second time ABN AMRO Clearing has planted with Creating Canopies, and it was wonderful to see them return to care for Sydney’s environment once again.

Thank You Eastlakes Golf Club

A huge thank you to Eastlake Golf Club for volunteering their land for increased canopy cover.

This was Creating Canopies’ second planting at Eastlakes Golf Club. The first was held on Saturday 5th October 2024, when 23 volunteers from the community joined us to install 1,700 plants next to the club’s 4th hole.

These cumulative efforts are creating valuable green spaces that will benefit both local wildlife and the community for generations to come.

Volunteer for Bushcare in Bayside

If you’d like to contribute to environmental efforts in the Bayside LGA, you can become a Bushcare volunteer and regenerate bushland. No experience is necessary as training is provided.

Corporate Volunteering with Greater Sydney Landcare

Find out more about Corporate Volunteering with Greater Sydney Landcare here. Be sure to download our Corporate Volunteering Info Pack.

Get Involved in Creating Canopies

If you’d like to find out how to get free trees planted on your land, visit our Register Your Site for Trees page.

Come along and plant trees with Creating Canopies. Find out what events we have coming up on Greater Sydney Landcare’s Eventbrite page.

About Creating Canopies

Landcare NSW and Greater Sydney Landcare are planting 200,000 trees as part of the Greening our City program to help reduce urban heat in Greater Sydney. Proudly funded by the NSW Government.

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