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On Wednesday 7th August 2024, Greater Sydney Landcare’s Creating Canopies team hosted a tree planting event for 11 corporate volunteers from CHEP, in partnership with Landcare Australia.

The chosen location for this corporate volunteering day was a reserve along Crimson Crescent in The Ponds, which Blacktown City Council had volunteered for increased canopy cover.  

A Beautiful Day for Positive Action

As upbeat tunes filled the air, the CHEP team made quick work of installing 710 native trees and shrubs. These plants, which will grow to 3 metres and above, will in time provide shade and cooling canopy cover in the future, benefitting locals and helping to reduce urban heat in our city.

The CHEP employees planted a variety of native species suited to this area, including gum trees (Eucalypts and Angophora), wattles (Acacias), paperbarks or tea trees (Melaleucas), Sweet Bursaria (Bursaria spinosa), Coffee Bush(Breynia oblongifolia), Sieber’s Parrot-pea (Dillwynia siebri), Rice Flower (Ozothamnus diosmifolius), and Native Peach (Trema tomentosa var aspera).

Moreover, the CHEP team remarked on how quickly the time flew, as they enjoyed the gorgeous location and ideal weather for being outside and planting.

In addition to planting, the CHEP group also took on the task of building and installing guards around the boundaries of the planting area. This was done to deter pedestrians and dogs from entering the site. Keeping disturbance to a minimum while the plants are getting established will help to ensure a higher survival rate for the overall planting.

After the CHEP team had thoroughly watered the new plant babies in, they made great use of their remaining time by weeding the area. Bravo to CHEP for their dedication!

The day was led by Project Officer Alicia Harb-Akins and Bush Regenerator Rhiannon Beaton. Natural Resources Manager Bryce Doyle and Bush Regenerator Supervisor Aimee Hancock were on site to help prep the site. The Creating Canopies team was thoroughly impressed by the CHEP group’s fantastic energy and positive attitude.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone involved for their outstanding work. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Join Blacktown’s Bushcare Program

If you’d like to contribute to environmental efforts in the Blacktown area, you can volunteer to become a Blacktown City Council Bushcare volunteer, and regenerate bushland. No experience is necessary as training is provided.

Get Involved in Creating Canopies

Find out more about Corporate Volunteering with Greater Sydney Landcare here. Be sure to download our Corporate Volunteering Info Pack.

If you’d like to find out how to get free trees planted on your land, visit our Register Your Site for Trees page.

Come along and plant trees with Creating Canopies. Find out what events we have coming up on Greater Sydney Landcare’s Eventbrite page.

About Creating Canopies

Landcare NSW and Greater Sydney Landcare are planting 200,000 trees as part of the Greening our City program to help reduce urban heat in Greater Sydney. Proudly funded by the NSW Government.

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