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Comments sought on New Weed Discussion Paper

By 26/01/2016No Comments

Asparagus Fern

The NSW Department of Primary Industry is asking for comments on a new Weeds – Discussion Paper as part of the new Biosecurity Act 2015  which will repeal the Noxious Weeds Act 1993 (NW Act). The Act provides regulatory controls and powers to manage noxious weeds in NSW.

The Biosecurity Act:

  • Embeds the principle of shared responsibility for biosecurity risks (including weeds) between the government, community and industry; and,
  • Is tenure neutral, meaning that the Biosecurity Act will apply equally to all land in the state, regardless of whether it is publically or privately owned; and,
  • Supports regional planning and management for weeds, as recommended by the Review of Weeds Management in NSW.

Read the Weeds Discussion Paper here and comment on the paper by following this link to a survey. Submissions or a survey response are sought by February 12, 2016.

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