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Future Directions for our Network

By 20/09/2015No Comments

At September’s meeting held at the beautiful Field of Mars in Ryde, we discussed our strategic direction and elected the 2015 committee (see below) as well as some great talks on apps, social networks and our achievements over the past year.

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New Committee 
At its first meeting since the AGM the new committee appointed the following office bearers:
Chair: Wendy Goonan
Vice Chairs: Paul Vale and Pevlin Price
Secretary: Vanessa Keyzer
Treasurer: Bev Debrincat
Committee members: Matt Keighery, Jeff Cottrell, Leanne Craze and Andrew Scott

GSLN Strategic Plan 
Following on from the Planning for Our Future forum and member survey, the Committee is drafting a Strategic Plan for the Network. The draft plan will be sent out in coming weeks for members to consider. Watch This Space!

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