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Government and Opposition pledges funding commitment for our Local Landcare Coordinators 

GSLN employs two part time Local Landcare Coordinators – Clare and Elisha. The highly successful four year government sponsorship of these part time positions will wrap up mid-2019. Whilst Landcare NSW is lobbying for greater support and continuation for the LLCI role, they’ve already gained commitments from both sides of politics!

  • The Government (Liberal Party) has announced the an additional investment of $22.4 million, allowing the part-time role of our LLCIs and regional coordinators. This commitment also introduces ten dedicated Indigenous-focused LLCI roles.
  • Labor has gone one step further and committed to the full amount – $32.5 million – as requested by Landcare NSW. These investments will allow Landcare NSW to boost and expand the LLC role with continued support from Local Land Services allowing our LLCIs to go full time!

Greater Sydney Landcare Coordinators representing the Landcare community at Bedlam Bay, Gladesville for the Labor annoucement. 

You can read a media release from the current Liberal Government here, and Labor Opposition here. And a reminder that we’re still collecting feedback to put towards the major political parties. You can download a copy of the questions here, and send feedback to our LLC Clare. We’ll collate the responses, put it to each major party and report back on what they say.

Written by Clare Vernon. 

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