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We want you to join our Southwest Sydney Koala Project Citizen Science Program.

Get Involved

Did you know that The Southwest Sydney Koala Project is running a mini Citizen Science initiative on koala sightings?

We need your help to keep track of these adorable marsupials in our region.

A koala spotted in Wedderburn in November 2023 on one of our dedicated landholders’ properties, in the Campbelltown Local Government Area.

Detect Koalas on Your Own Land

We’ve secured funding to provide wildlife cameras for your property, allowing you to detect and spot koala activity right in your backyard.

By participating, you’re contributing valuable data that we upload to the national koala database (BioNet). This information is crucial for understanding and conserving our local koala population.

A koala detected on private land by a wildlife camera supplied by Greater Sydney Landcare’s Southwest Sydney Koala Project.

Why Does It Matter?

Koalas play a vital role in our ecosystem, and by monitoring their movements, we can identify key habitats for conservation efforts.

Your involvement helps us map out where these iconic creatures are thriving, aiding in the protection of their natural homes.

Footage from a wildlife camera Greater Sydney Landcare’s Southwest Sydney Koala Project supplied to a landowner in 2023.

Join Us!

Let’s come together to make a difference for our furry friends!

Email to get involved or learn more about how you can contribute to this fantastic cause.

You can also Register your Land for Koala Conservation using the form on our website.

Together, we can ensure a healthy and thriving koala population in Southwest Sydney.

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