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Landcare for Young Adults – Have your say…

Greater Sydney Landcare are developing a young adult Landcare program for young people aged 18-35. We are looking for input about what people are looking for and want to experience within a group setting, and how they’d like to get involved and engaged with the environment in Greater Sydney. Please answer truthfully and provide as much detail as you would like. Your input will help us greatly in reflecting youth wants and needs within the environmental sector!


Next Steps: Install the Survey Add-On

This form requires the Gravity Forms Survey Add-On. Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form.

What is your age?(Required)

What would motivate you to join a landcare group for young adults? (Select all that apply)(Required)

Which activities would you like to see in a young adult landcare group? (Select all that apply)(Required)

(Optional) What type of training or skill-building opportunities would interest you?

Would you be interested in reading and/or possibly contributing to online media/newsletter about environmental works & issues?(Required)
Greater Sydney Landcare would like to develop an environmental newsletter & social media, with contributions from young people working or volunteering in the field.

Would you be interested in virtual meet-ups or online discussions in addition to in-person activities?(Required)

How frequently would you prefer landcare group activities to occur?(Required)

Would you like to be contacted about Greater Sydney Landcare's new young adult engagement program in future?(Required)

Please share any additional thoughts or suggestions you have regarding young adult engagement with Landcare groups.

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