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Greater Sydney Landcare once again partnered with Blacktown City Council to deliver a seventh Creating Canopies planting in the Local Government Area since the start of 2023.

We didn’t do it alone though. Creating Canopies staff were joined by dedicated team of five corporate volunteers from NBN Co. On Wednesday 18th October, together we were able to successfully add 400 new native trees and shrubs next to the playspace in the Nurragingy Reserve in Doonside.



The NBN team made quick work of the days task and didn’t let the morning showers dampen their opportunity to get out of the office!

What was before mowed grass and hard soil soon began to take on new life as the volunteers installed the plants.

Creating a More Comfortable Playspace

These trees will add shade around the Wawai Ngurra inclusive adventure playspace located in the reserve. This is a fully inclusive playspace for people of all ages and abilities.



Trees do a fantastic job of keeping temperatures down and are one of the biggest advantages we have in the battle against urban heat.

The 400 new additions will reduce temperatures in the area, allowing the playspace and the reserve to be enjoyed year-round!

Thank you to the NBN volunteers who took time out of their busy schedules to join Creating Canopies at Nurragingy Reserve.



An NBN Co team member said they enjoyed the event. They rated the day as excellent, and strongly agreed that the event was well organised, and that staff were helpful on the day. They agreed that the catering met their expectations and thought that the length of the day was just right.

This is the second corporate volunteering group from NBN Co to join Greater Sydney Landcare for a tree planting in 2023. You can read about NBN Co’s tree planting day at Blacktown Showgrounds here.

Move the slider to see a before and after of Nurragingy Reserve – planted on Thursday 26th October by NBN Co corporate volunteers for Creating Canopies.

NBN Co is the company that was established by the Commonwealth of Australia as a Government Business Enterprise (GBE) to design, build and operate a wholesale broadband access network for Australia.



Get Involved in Creating Canopies

Find out more about Corporate Volunteering with Greater Sydney Landcare here. Be sure to download our Corporate Volunteering Info Pack.

If you’d like to find out how to get free trees planted on your land, visit our Register Your Site for Trees page.

About Creating Canopies

Landcare NSW and Greater Sydney Landcare are planting 200,000 trees as part of the Greening our City program to help reduce urban heat in Greater Sydney. Proudly funded by the NSW Government.


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