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Planning Our Future – Apps, Conservation and Social Networks

By 04/08/2015No Comments

WallabyJoin us for a FREE afternoon planning session on the future directions of the Greater Sydney Landcare Network—your network!

The Greater Sydney Landcare Network (GSLN) is planning its future and looking at its progress. We want your input.

It’s an exciting time, when bushcare activities of volunteers across the Sydney region, can be mapped and reported to a Network that includes decision makers and managers.

We have a great location and Spring will be on show.

Field of Mars Study Centre, Sunday August 23rd August 2015

1.30pm Registration and refreshments

2pm Welcome

2.10-2.30pm Speed Talks – Your network update

  • Judy Christi e — Chair’s Report – what we have achieved so far
  • Paul Vale – Lessons Learned – Blue Mountains Bushcare Network
  • Vanessa Keyzer – Adventure Conservati on and Source to Sea
  • Jeff Cottrell – Developing an App for day to day collecti on of bushcare / landcare data

2.30-3.10pm Planning Our Future Session

3.10-3.30pm AGM & Adoption of Constitution

3.30pm Wildflower Walk in the Field of Mars


More information view PDF

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