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On Saturday 8th June 2024, Greater Sydney Landcare’s Creating Canopies team held a planting in Earlwood, in partnership with the City of Canterbury-Bankstown.

Around 46 volunteers from the community joined us to plant 525 native trees and shrubs in the reserve behind Waterside Crescent which runs alongside the Cooks River waterway.

This walkway is well loved—Park Run came through in the morning and the Canopies team spotted many a dog walker enjoying the space throughout the day.

We are hopeful that as the 525 plants grow, they will provide welcome shade and cooling to all who use the park in the future.

Creating Canopies Project Officer Alicia Harb-Akins and Bush Regenerator Supervisor Aimee Hancock ran the day.

After planting, the volunteers hand-mulched around each tree and did a fantastic job.

Caring for the Environment

Around 20 members of The Mudcrabs were in attendance and will continue to care for the site going forward. The Mudcrabs are a local group of Cooks River eco volunteers, who hold regular events like rubbish collection and bush regeneration that you can volunteer at along the Cooks River. Get involved today.

Everyone made such quick work of the tree planting that the volunteers had time to take part in some bush regeneration work, led by the Mudcrabs, in the sites either side of the planting to ensure the area remains weed-free. Around eight bags of Balloon Vine were removed—fantastic work everyone!

Wraps were enjoyed for lunch after all the hard muddy work.

Thank you to all involved in making this phenomenal day a reality.

Volunteer for Bushcare in Canterbury-Bankstown

If you’d like to contribute to environmental efforts in the Canterbury-Bankstown LGA, you can become a Bushcare volunteer and regenerate bushland. No experience is necessary as training is provided.

Corporate Volunteering with Greater Sydney Landcare

Find out more about Corporate Volunteering with Greater Sydney Landcare here. Be sure to download our Corporate Volunteering Info Pack.

Get Involved in Creating Canopies

If you’d like to find out how to get free trees planted on your land, visit our Register Your Site for Trees page.

Come along and plant trees with Creating Canopies. Find out what events we have coming up on Greater Sydney Landcare’s Eventbrite page.

About Creating Canopies

Landcare NSW and Greater Sydney Landcare are planting 200,000 trees as part of the Greening our City program to help reduce urban heat in Greater Sydney. Proudly funded by the NSW Government.

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