Saturday 29th July saw Creating Canopies partner with Liverpool City Council to put on a massive tree planting for National Tree Day. Over 50 volunteers come out, many bright and early, to join in this fantastic day. Thank you volunteers for planting 3,000 trees, shrubs and groundcovers at Gough Park in Cecil Hills. These trees will add much needed shade to keep the area cooler in the years to come.
Thank You Volunteers
Locals came out to join the fun including Liverpool City Council’s Councillor Charishma Kaliyanda and staff members, as did volunteers from community groups We Are One and the Sai Organisation. We were pleased to welcome back people who had volunteered at other Creating Canopies planting days, and were also inspired by those who took public transport to the site. Thank you everyone who attended and made it such a wonderful day.
Excellent Entertainment
Perfect sunny weather shone down as the musical stylings of Jeff Lenham of CEO Music (and occasionally Creating Canopies’ own Matt Keighery) filled the planting site. Between plantings, young and old enjoyed getting their faces painted by the Fab Fun staff, Bianca and Francesca. Bianca also jumped on the mic to serenade us with some Amy Winehouse.
Volunteers appreciated the chance to learn about traditional and contemporary Aboriginal weaving techniques from Ngiyampaa and Guringai artist Tarni Eastwood, who led a weaving workshop throughout the day.
After a busy morning of planting, volunteers refuelled with a delicious sausage sizzle barbeque lunch from Pepperberry Catering, before being joined by not one, but two fire trucks and teams from the NSW Rural Fire Service – who came to help water the plants and were more than happy to give the kids a turn with the hoses.
Thank you to all who attended and made it such a fantastic day!
Join a Creating Canopies Tree Planting
We can’t wait to put on more events and we hope you’ll join us in making Sydney a better place to live, work, and play. Check out our Eventbrite page for upcoming planting days:
About Creating Canopies
Landcare NSW and Greater Sydney Landcare are planting 200,000 trees as part of the Greening our City program to help reduce urban heat in Greater Sydney. Proudly funded by the NSW Government.