On Saturday 15th July 2023, 21Β volunteersΒ attended a community working bee hosted by Greater Sydney Landcare and Liverpool City Council around the fairy homes of the Harris Creek Reserve Fairy Glen Garden.Β
Adding to the Magic of the Fairy Glen
This Fairy Glen Garden was established by community members during the 2021 COVID-19Β lockdown toΒ support the wellbeing ofΒ children and families experiencing socialΒ isolation.Β It continues to have a positive effect on community participation, connections and cohesion while providing opportunities for environmental education andΒ appreciation.
Volunteers planted 700 native grasses and 100 shrubs around the fairy homes. This will increase native groundcovers that provide homes for ground dwelling wildlife (and fairies of course).
The group also learned about water bugs! Jessica Lumbroso, of Greater Sydney Landcare’s Streamwatch program, taught attendees how to test the health of the creek and see what water bugs were living in it. Streamwatch is a citizen science water monitoring program that enables community groups to monitor the quality and health of local waterways.
Michelle Playford, Environmental Restoration Plan Education Officer from Liverpool City Council said, “The Fairy Committee are thrilled that there are fresh plants in the Fairy Glen where there was once weeds and bare earth near the riparian zone of the creek.”Β
This day was run in partnership with Liverpool City Council, who received funding for bushland restoration at the Fairy Glen Garden through the Places to Roam Grant Program. Proudly funded by the NSW Government.
Thank you to all who attended and volunteered their time to add to the magic of this lovely community green space.
Join a Creating Canopies Tree Planting
We can’t wait to put on more events and we hope you’ll join us in making Sydney a better place to live, work, and play. Check out our Eventbrite page for upcoming planting days: https://bit.ly/3JD7Dtm
About Creating Canopies
Landcare NSW and Greater Sydney Landcare are planting 200,000 trees as part of the Greening our City program to help reduce urban heat in Greater Sydney. Proudly funded by the NSW Government.